Pray for:

Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser
Commander of Hezbollah in Saudi Arabia
At Large
19 people
Abdelkarim commands Saudi Hezbollah. He was born in the Saudi town of Al Ihsa. He orchestrated the bombing of the Khobar Towers barracks for the US military in Saudi Arabia on June 5, 1996. Al-Nazer speaks fluent Arabic and Farsi. He could be hiding in Iran, Syria, or Lebanon.
- Wanted Poster for Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser
- Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser on Wikipedia
- DOJ $5 million reward offering
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3 Prayers posted:
• Heavenly Father, I pray than your hand will be on Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser and that the Holy Spirit will draw him to Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Give him dreams and visions of Jesus. Give him divine appointments. Please cause everything he does that would be harmful to fail. Let there be total repentance in him and a desire to serve the one true God. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen — Indian Princess (Feb. 24, 2015 7:18 p.m.)
• Dear Lord Jesus, You love and died for Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al -Nasser. Send your Holy Spirit to him so he will see his need for you. Prevent him from success in any evil plots and cause him to turn to you and your forgiveness and love, for his redemption. May he replace violence with militant love for you and may he be a force for you Lord Jesus in the middle east and the world. In your precious name I pray this . All is possible through the name and power of Jesus. Amen. Let is be so. — Lake Pearl (May 27, 2015 11:31 p.m.)
• Father, lead Abdelkarim to repent for rejecting Jesus and declaring war on your children. Jesus, reveal yourself in dreams and visions to Abdelkarim. May he not sleep in peace until he surrenders to you. May your Holy Spirit relentlessly pursue Abdelkarim to the depths of his hideout, that he may not escape your grace. Jesus, may news of your free gift of eternal salvation reach the opened ears of Abdelkarim. Lord, expose Abdelkarim to the precious testimony of Jesus’ followers. Father, orchestrate events around Abdekarim and his friends to facilitate these prayers.. Dear God, strip from Abdelkarim all his defenses that he may turn to Jesus for hope and salvation. Jesus, confront and overwhelm Abdelkarim with his shameful deeds and sinful nature till he becomes desperate for righteousness from you.. Father, provide an environment to Abdelkarim in which he is free to confess and believe in Jesus as Lord openly. Lord, surround Abdelkarim with devotional materials, gospel broadcasts, fellowship opportunities, and courageous mentors. God, may the redemption of Abdelkarim clearly display your character and glory. Lord, release Abdelkarim from Satan’s grip and open him to sense and know your grace in Jesus.” Father, destroy the economic and social situations that constrain gospel proclamation, limit free response, promote ignorance, and perpetuate rejection of Jesus in the environment of Abdelkarim. I ask all these things in Jesus' name! Amen! A Follower of Jesus from Canada, Craig — Craig (June 02, 2017 5:37 p.m.)