Christian - Muslim Debate

Hyde Park Christian Fellowship
The Christian-Muslim Debate website operates under the ownership and supervision of Hyde Park Christian Fellowship. It is an informal network of researchers in the UK interested in the academic study of all issues relevant to Islam and Christianity.
Stimulating Respectful Debate
The site provides a repository for articles and papers of relevant to the UK and beyond. It aims to stimulate genuine debate between Christians and Muslims on a wide range of topics. It carefully distinguishes between dialogue and debate and notes that dialogue, in itself, is only a preparation for debate.
Debate versus Dialogue
The fellowship states, "It is important to listen carefully and to learn about the beliefs of another religion. Such dialogue is rare, but it is a vital preparatory step. Once this dialogue is underway, it needs to develop into something more than just a sharing of personal views. Given that Christianity and Islam share much common background, and that each makes its own (often competing) truth-claims, there comes a point where debate is necessary and right."
Arguing about Truth
Christians and Muslims make mutually exclusive truth claims. Each has a duty to ‘argue their case’ honestly and respectfully. This Christian-Muslim Debate website aims to facilitate that process.
Building Relationships
The website beaks new ground in Christian-Muslim relations and often facilitates one-to-one correspondence between Muslims and Christians. It takes Muslims seriously and acknowledges Muslim rights to argue their case. The fellowship gives free web space for suitable articles from Muslim contributors when such articles foster respectful debate between both parties.
Link to the Christian - Muslim Debate Website