Answering Islam
Answering Islam: A Christian-Muslim Dialog seeks dialog and discussion with Muslims and interaction with Islamic arguments on the basis of a common belief in God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. It gives answers to Muslim questions and responds to attacks against the Christian faith that are inherent in Islam.
Answering Islam (A-I) is not a dialog in the sense that Muslims have an equal say or influence on the content or presentation on the site. It is a Christian site that is highly interactive.
A-I offers feedback email addresses of individual authors with the invitation to discuss everything that is presented. It welcomes further questions, asks for corrections of mistakes, and solicits critiques of its content and approach. The site also links to Muslim responses to its content.
A-I answers to the real arguments which Muslims direct at Christians. In this way they are in dialog with Muslims and their site reflects the results.
A-I can be a valuable resource for Christians who are praying for Muslims.
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