Pray for:

Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
18 people
Little is known about Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli. He was born in 1979 in Yemen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. The FBI was seeking him for questioning.
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3 Prayers posted:
• Herr: Ich bitte Dich für Alyan Muhammad ali al-Wa'eli. Ich bitte, dass er von seinem Weg des Hasses und der Gewalt von Dir weggeführt wird. Ich bitte, dass Du alles tust, was nötig ist, damit er Jesus erkennt und Ihn als seinen ganz persönlichen Retter und Erlöser annimmt. In Jesu Namen, - Amen. — Markus Kenn (Sept. 25, 2016 7 p.m.)
• Alyan Muhammad, I speak The Name of Jesus into your heart and mind and soul, take captive every thought of yours and make those thoughts obedient to the Mind of Christ and The Will of God, so that He can and will transform you by the renewing of your mind, establish homeostasis (balance) in your life, bless you with great success as you turn your hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight, then may you be prospered in every good way, a way that will Glorify His Holy Name. Amen — ginna (May 19, 2017 5:58 a.m.)
• Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name, Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the life of Alyan Muhammad Ali al - Wa'eli as it is in Heaven. Give him today all that he needs to be drawn into Your Kingdom. Forgive him his sins and teach him to forgive those who have sinned against him. Lead him away from temptation and deliver him from evil because YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY NOW AND FOREVER AMEN. — ginna (Feb. 11, 2019 10:42 a.m.)