Pray for:
Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
17 people
Little is known about Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nadhi. He was born in 1976 in Saudi Arabia but is identified as a Yemeni citizen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. At one time the FBI was seeking him for questioning.
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3 Prayers posted:
• Abba Father, I pray for Bassam, that he would come to know you Father, through divine revelation. Yemen is a very dark place, I pray that you might open it to Your gospel and send missionaries to go. I pray for all of Al-Qaeda, that they might renounce their Muslim beliefs and hate for Christianity and you Lord. Help them to know and love You as their Lord and Savior. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray for this man. Make a change and a difference in his heart Father. — Mark (Sept. 15, 2011 7:26 a.m.)
• Jesus, appear to Bassam in dreams and visions. Strip him of all pride and open his eyes to your grace. Expose him to circumstances which show him your love and forgiveness. Change and soften his heart toward you and all who are not Muslim. In Jesus' precious name, Amen. — Kathy S (March 10, 2015 11:52 p.m.)
• Lord, I ask that through you Bassam find healing for a hurt and confused soul. You alone know the depth of his being. Help him understand how much you love him and each of your children on this earth. — sss (Dec. 15, 2017 8:42 p.m.)