Pray for:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Boston Marathon bomber
84 people
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was caught after a gun battle in a Boston suburb on the evening of April 19, 2013. He is strongly suspected to be one of the two Boston Marathon bombers. His older brother and fellow suspect, Tamerlan, was killed in the manhunt that followed. His brother's namesake, Tamerlane, was one of the most brutal Muslim empire builders in history. Dzohkhar (pronounced Joe-HARR) was born in Kyrgyzstan on July 22, 1993. He also has two sisters. He is an ethnic Chechen. Many in the predominantly Muslim province of Chechnya are struggling for independence from Russia. The Tsarnaev (pronounced tsar-NAH-yev) family drifted as refugees in Kyrgyzstan and Dagestan before eventually settling in Massachusetts in 2002. Dzhokhar became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012. The brothers' boxing coach reported to NBC that "the young brother was like a puppy dog following his older brother."
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94 Prayers posted:
• Lord Jesus, I thank You that Your blood is enough to wash white as snow even the dirtiest of sinners. Lord, despite all Dzhokhar has done, my heart breaks for him, and I want so desperately for him to experience Your forgiveness, mercy, and grace. Dear Lord, I ask that You would pursue Dzhokhar relentlessly. I ask that You would release him from Satan's strong grip over his life; Lord, release him from the enemy's chains. Strip Dzhokhar from all his defenses that no obstacle would keep him from seeing his sin and Your salvation clearly. May he come to a realization of how much he has sinned against You and hated You and may that realization haunt him until he gives his life to You. Lord Jesus, I plead with You on behalf of Dzhokhar because I know You are mighty to save even those who would appear to be too far gone. Lord, would you please save Dzhokhar and do in his heart what you did to the apostle Paul's, turning him from a place of active rebellion against you to a place of love and service to You. I pray this in the most powerful and beautiful name of Jesus. Amen. — ShalomOfJesus (April 23, 2013 7:27 a.m.)
• Dear God, change the heart of Dzhokhar. While we pray God, let you change our heart too. God change his heart toward America and that God will work in his life. He still needs to be saved. He can be forgiven just like Hitler could have been if he would have repented. We are all sinners, remind us of that God. Show us our imperfections and remind us we can be made new in you. — ND (April 25, 2013 3:34 a.m.)
• Father, I pray in Jesus name that Dzhokhar would come to know you and your truth. Father, that his eyes would be open to the truth, his ears would hear truth, his mouth would speak truth and that you would draw him by the power of your Holy Spirit into a relationship with you. I thank you that you desire for none to perish but for all to know you and that you are able to save from the "uttermost" those that come to you. May he find grace and mercy in you and the forgiveness of sins. — Lover of Jesus (April 26, 2013 1:23 p.m.)
• You come with Open Arms to us when we call on You in our darkest hours, oh Lord and Saviour, thank you. Your Word promises You will be faithful and just to forgive our sins when we confess them, and only when we turn from our "wicked ways" will we find healing. Our world is a desperate and sick house of ill-repute and disgrace, with each of us responsible and guilty of continuously moving further and further away from Your guidance and goodness, exercising our own self-wills and performing ungodly acts with no thoughts of Your Approval and consequences, justifying wars that result from animosity and wanting to get even, or greed that steels from the poor and less fortunate. There is no good excuse for bad behaviour of any kind. I pray that You will be a Comfort to the Tsarnaev family and loved ones of Dzhokhar, just as You are an Ever-Present-Help to the victims and injured of the Boston bombings, and that You will, please, see inside what motivates Dzhokhar and work in the heart of this young man to be sorry. Replace hate with love for everyone who thinks or voices the worse opinions of him because ALL have sinned and come short of Your Glory and there is NONE righteous, no! Not one of us is exempt from sin that nailed you to the cross, and I pray earnestly that Dzhokhar will not leave this life without true faith and sincere conversion to YOU, most gracious and merciful God. We ask all these things in your dear and precious Name. Amen. — KarenCan (April 26, 2013 5:30 p.m.)
• Father, you have saved many who seemed unlikely - like the apostle Paul. So, I lift this young man up and ask that you would remove the veil from his heart and mind that keeps truth out. Give him a seeker's heart - bring Christ followers into his life who will model truth and grace. — The vic (April 27, 2013 2 a.m.)
• Dear Abba, we thank You that no matter what evil this boy has done, You love him so much that You sent Your Son to die for him. We ask that You would break the chains the enemy has on him, that You would block satan's lies, that Dzhokhar would seek forgiveness and hope in You. We pray that You would send visions or dreams of You to him, that You would protect him from evil, that You would anoint a faithful servant of You, an Ananias, with Your Holy Spirit to minister to him. Soften his heart, grant him repentance, let him turn and live. We thank You that You are a God who has no joy in the death of the wicked, but desires his repentance. We pray that Your love would break through every barrier in the all-powerful name of Jesus our Messiah. We ask that he would seek Your truth, that he would desire Your forgiveness, which You freely offer. We know that it is Your will that none should perish but all should come to repentance, and we ask that Your redemption would win in Dzhokhar, that You would raise him up a Paul (who was also a murderer and a zealot against Jesus). All things are possible for You. We pray this in Your Son Jesus' Name, Amen. And we also pray for the victims of this terrible tragedy in the city where I live, that You would continue to heal them and that, through this awful suffering, You would lead them to forgiveness and the hope that is in You as well. We thank You for all You have done and are doing. Amen. — Hazel (April 29, 2013 3:23 p.m.)
• Dear Jesus, Come into Dzhokhars heart and show him the way to eternal life. Come to him in a vision or dream showing him that you are the true God and the only way to heaven. Lord, you have appeared to so many muslims, giving them knowledge that you are the truth. Show dzhokhar the truth. Thank you Lord for all that you do. I love you Lord. :) — Pamela (May 02, 2013 4:06 p.m.)
• Abba, Father, in your son Yeshua's name, I ask you tear down the demonic strongholds in Dzhokhar's heart that would keep him from You. Let Your Word, the light of the Gospel, penetrate and transform his heart, and bring him to repentance, Lord. Give him a heart to seek forgiveness and place in him grief, remorse, and compassion toward those who's lives have been permanently changed in the bombing. Let your blood, Lord Yeshua, blot out all of Dzhokhar's sins, and breathe new life into him. Let your mercy and grace and love wash over him and place a new heart and mind in him. Abba, I ask that once Dzhokhar has surrendered to you that his life will be a light and testimony to many and will bring many more souls to you. The rest of the nation may hate this young man who seems beyond help, but I thank you that you are the healer who came to restore the sin-sick instead of those who are whole (righteous). In Yeshua's name, Amen. — Adia (Aug. 18, 2013 1:06 a.m.)
• Father, I cannot thank You enough for sparing Jahar's life and thus giving him a second chance to come to Christ and receive eternal life. Thank you for the grace and mercy You showed him in doing so. I plead with You not to abandon Jahar to his destruction. Holy Spirit, please relentlessly pursue him, soften his heart, and open his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. It seems crazy to think that Jahar would come to Christ, but it says in Your word, Lord, that "with man, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." All the blood that is on his hands can be washed away by the precious blood of Your Son. I thank you for the cross, that through it not only was I saved but also Jahar can be saved. He can be completely forgiven and made whole. He can be a free man even inside that cell. And one day he can stand in Your presence, overcome by joy. Lord, please reveal Yourself to Jahar, that He would see who You are and all that is offered him through Jesus. Please bless him with dreams and visions, as You have done for so many Muslims. And Father, please draw the rest of his family to you too, for I greatly desire to see you use what was meant for evil to do so much good. I long to call Jahar and his family members my brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank You that that's entirely possible. I pray this all in the mighty name of Jesus, the name that can save anyone who comes to Him, amen. — Bri (Nov. 17, 2013 9:13 a.m.)
• I understand what happened when Stalin displaced people from the Caucasus into central Asia. I know about Georgia, Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Abkhanzia, and the Circassians. I pray for stability and prosperity to your people of this contested region. By the way, I'm a runner. — LittleLuther64 (Feb. 26, 2014 6:04 p.m.)
• Lord Jesus, I Pray that this Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Jahar Tsarnaev comes to know you in a really deep heart. Because there is no other God but you Jesus. Touch His mind touch His heart. I feel so bad what happened to Him on the Boat in Watertown, Massachusetts Jesus. You know Dzhokhar almost died in the Hospital. And there is a reason why He is still alive. I know you are not happy Lord that what Dzhokhar wrote on the Boat. But you still love Dzhokhar. I don't want to judge a Muslim Jesus I just want to try to help them about a relationship with Jesus Christ. I do Pray for the Drug Cartels as well to. I Pray for all the Jihad's and the Drug Cartels to come to the real Messiah Jesus Christ. Jesus is one only way the truth and the life. Through Jesus there's freedom. By the Blood of Jesus Christ. I hope and Pray that Dzhokhar gets Life in Prison even if the Government is seeking the Death penalty. I hope the Judge has a heart for this young Man. Lord Jesus, I do believe that Dzhokhar was controlled by his older Brother but I'm not hear to judge. Thanks for listening to my Prayers Father. I Pray this in your Son name Jesus. Amen. — Roxy (May 31, 2014 1:47 a.m.)
• Father, over a year later, I am still praying for this precious creation of yours who was made in Your image. Though the world would believe it's impossible for Jahar to come to Christ, it is actually entirely possible through the power of the Holy Spirit working on his heart that he will be Yours and that Your image in him will be renewed and will shine forth in glory. Lord God, I pray that you would reveal Yourself to Jahar through dreams and visions, through your Word, and through Your people. Open his eyes to see the truth. May Satan and every demonic force that has dominion over Jahar be defeated in Jesus' name. Father, I long to see Jahar become your precious child and my beloved brother. May he one day proclaim the name of Jesus and worship the One True God. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, the only name by which men may be saved. Amen. — Bri (May 31, 2014 1:55 a.m.)
• Dear Father: Thank You so much for sparing Jahar's life. Thank You for that mercy and for the thoughts that You've have given him. Father, I pray that you may show grace and mercy on Jahar as You've with me. Father, I've faith in Your ability to rescue Jahar, and I can see that You are working. If I saw all of what You were doing in Jahar's hearts and in the hearts of Your children...what would I be able to do but fall down in awe. Father, please rescue Jahar. You know his needs, Father, and I thank You. In Christ's Name, Amen — Ada (June 12, 2014 midnight)
• Father, I continue to pray daily that you would lead Jahar to Yourself, that he would become my precious brother in Christ. Rescue him from the darkness that surrounds him. Break Satan's hold on him. Destroy the power that the demonic lie of Islam has over him. As he increasingly clings to Allah and leans on his Islamic faith, may he feel emptier than he ever has in his life and feel completely abandoned by Allah. Create within him a seeking heart. And please, Lord Jesus, reveal Yourself to him in dreams and visions like you have so graciously done for numerous Muslims around the world. Thank You for sparing his life that night in the boat. I am exceedingly grateful that I have the opportunity to pray for him because you mercifully gave him a second chance at eternal life. I pray this all in the mighty name of Jesus, the Lamb of God who can cover anyone's sins no matter how great. Amen. — Bri (Oct. 24, 2014 7:38 a.m.)
• My prayer is that God, who is the God of the impossible, takes this supposedly impossible situation and turns it around for His glory. I pray that the Holy Spirit would move mountains and fill Jahar so deeply and completely, that his testimony will set others free when they think there is no hope. Thank You Lord. — Linda (Jan. 02, 2015 11:53 p.m.)
• Father, please providentially orchestrate everything that happens at Jahar's upcoming trial. May everything happen in such a way that it leads him on the path towards You. May there be even one victim or victim's family member who speaks at trial that will share Christ's love and forgiveness with him. Please bring this lost and broken young man into Your family. He needs You. In Jesus' name, amen. — Bri (Jan. 03, 2015 9:41 p.m.)
• I Pray that Tsarnaev finds Jesus in Prison. Dear Lord visit his jail cell and show Him who you are and how much Love you are made of, so he may know you and so he may bring others to You God. Please don't let this young soul and the souls of his victims, die in vain. Lord Oh merciful Yeshua, bring this boy to The Cross, to know your mercy through true forgiveness like Saul as Paul was shown. There is a way for Tsarnaev, Jesus, You are The Way! Dear Lord I ask you if it is your will , to send your army of Angels Lord to give Tsarnaev the truth and knowledge that You suffered on The Cross and ROSE and you are ALIVE, and you live for him and all sinners. Let your IMMENSE LOVE bring tears to the eyes of Tsarnaev. Open his eyes, his ears, his mind and his heart Lord! Save him and others who in turn will also be led to the love of Jesus Christ. Amen. — SharLovesYeshua (Feb. 12, 2015 8:34 p.m.)
• My Savior Jesus Christ, I ask that you forgive Jahar in all that he has done. Show your love and compassion through his soul. I ask that you lift his spirits in times of darkness and show him the light when the darkness takes over. Show him the way to all answers and forgiveness by THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHRIST. — salted muffins (Feb. 14, 2015 2:46 a.m.)
• Father, please do whatever it takes to adopt Jahar into Your family. May he become Your precious child and my beloved brother. I long for him to sing praises to Jesus and be a living testimony to Your power to save. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen. — Bri (Feb. 16, 2015 2:55 a.m.)
• Father, I lift Jahar up to You, desperately wanting to see You glorified in his redemption. May he have a life-changing encounter with Christ just like the Apostle Paul did and be transformed from an evil terrorist and enemy of Yours into a beautiful new creation in Christ who loves and serves You with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength. Nothing is impossible for You, oh God! — Bri (March 08, 2015 8:20 a.m.)
• GOD I ask of you today to forgive Jahar for his sins and cleanse his soul and spirit. Father he made a mistake and sinned and we have all been there. He has no one Father and needs your salvation now. Place your sacred hands around his heart and make it pure again.For the grace of God make him pure again the way you delivered him to this earth.Amen. — salted muffins (March 08, 2015 9:26 p.m.)
• Father, You love him. I know You do. I ask you to reveal yourself to Dzhokhar. I thank you that you love even the least of these. Thank you for breaking me when all I could feel was anger and hatred for this young man and for forgiving me when I am hesitant to forgive those You love. Salvation is so far from what he deserves. But it is so beyond what I deserve either. I am sorry for being so deluded as to think that the blood You provided would cover my transgressions but not his. My eyes are open and my very being is shaken. I cannot attempt to explain Your mercy. I cannot comprehend how it is that Jesus forgave the very people who were driving nails through his wrists. I cannot grasp the magnitude of it. Do whatever it takes to convict him and reveal Yourself to him. Please comfort and healing and closure to his victims. Please bring redemption. Bring us to our knees. — S.B. (March 29, 2015 5:33 a.m.)
• Father God, we love you and trust you. Even when we don't understand, we put our trust in you, the living God. We bring Jahar before you today. Father, send ministering spirits to minister the truth to him and show him how to be delivered from darkness a set free into the kingdom of your light. We pray that the eyes of his understanding would be enlightened to the truth of your word and that he would accept you as savior and Lord. Dispatch the angels,Lord, to minister to him and bring him comfort and peace and show him the width, the depth, and the height of your love. Jesus, we know you bore every stripe on your back so that Jahar cool be set free. You took all the scorn, reproach, oppression, depression, deception, and false accusations so that he doesn't have to. Jesus, your death was not in vain! You died for Jahar too as you are no respector of persons. So we call it forth that he is free! Free from confusion, idolatry, and from satan's grip on his life. He had escaped the enemy's snare and is a new creation! Abba Father, protect him. Protect his mind and his body from his accusers and those who wish him harm. Please show him your wonderful grace and mercy. Show the victims how to forgive and show the world your goodness and love. We ask these things in the previous name of Jesus! Amen! — Rose of Sharon (April 08, 2015 10:19 p.m.)
• Father, Jahar now officially stands guilty in the eyes of our justice system; may he come to realize that more importantly he stands guilty before you. He now potentially faces the federal death penalty for his crimes; may he come to realize that more importantly before you he already stands condemned to the second death. Yet I know that the blood of Jesus is more than enough for him. Please open his eyes to see that Jesus can take away his sins and he can be declared not guilty and even perfectly spotless, righteous, and holy in Your sight. Please open his eyes to see that Jesus offers him eternal life, that Jesus is the only way to Paradise. May Jahar come running home into Your open arms. I am more than ready to celebrate that this my brother was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found. I pray this in the name of Jesus, the One who is mighty to save. Amen. — Bri (April 10, 2015 5:23 a.m.)
• The penalty phase of Dzhokhar "Jahar" Tsarnaev’s trial begins tomorrow. Now things get real. Father, we trust in You. Please providentially orchestrate everything that happens in this phase. May the victim impact statements finally break through the fog that Jahar is in and cause him to see his sin for what it truly is. Please be with the victims and give them strength as they talk about how Jahar ruined their lives. Father, it would break our hearts if Jahar were to be sentenced to death, but we know that You know what Jahar needs. We know that You know what it’s going to take for Jahar to come to You and then be used for Your glory. In light of Your knowledge of Jahar’s heart and of Your great, undeserved love for him, please lead the jury to whatever ultimately will bring Jahar to the cross. May he become Your child, be washed white as snow, and receive the beautiful gift of eternal life that no one could ever take away from him. Live or die, in Christ, he can live forever. — Bri (April 21, 2015 3:28 a.m.)
• I pray that he would spared the death penalty and that he would receive life in prison instead. — L (May 02, 2015 7:04 p.m.)
• I pray the rest of America can find it in their hearts to forgive you, and show you mercy as Christ has shown us. You are never alone and there will always be someone who cares and loves you. Anne Frank once said, "in spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart," and I hold that true for each person on the planet. It's harder to forgive than it is to harbor hatred and anger for a person. I will continue to pray for you as long as I have breath in me. — BeckaSha (May 07, 2015 8:34 p.m.)
• Father, help me to trust You right now, as I'm having a hard time seeing Your hand in all of this. Use this death sentence to wake Jahar up and lead him to You. I beg You to save him before it's too late. The time for him to come to Christ is significantly shorter now, but nothing is impossible for my God. May Jahar become my brother so that on the terrible day they execute him, I can actually celebrate knowing that they were only granting him his freedom and sending him home to You. I believe; help my unbelief. — Bri (May 17, 2015 11:20 p.m.)
• Lord, send Dzhokhar dreams, signs, wonders and all manner of the supernatural. Send him night visions of You. Cause him to inexplicably ask for a Bible. Give him a desire to talk to a Christian chaplain. Connect him with those who have come to faith in You. Keep him mute in public unless it is to declare Your wondrous works and Yours alone, to publicly proclaim His decision to follow You as Lord and Savior. Lord, You saved Jeffrey Dahmer. You raised Lazarus from the dead. You can save Dzhokhar. You are able. You want to redeem, heal and restore. Open Dzhokhar's eyes and turn him from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that he may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. Amen! — Deann50 (May 18, 2015 3:08 a.m.)
• Even though he has been sentenced to death, there is still a very lengthy appeals process. Please, please, please let us plead with the Lord that those would work and he would be spared. God said, I desire mercy not sacrifice. Please let Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev be shown mercy and not that his life would be sacrificed to appease the people. Yes, what he did was wrong and he should be in prison, but please I beg of God, spare his life! — M (May 18, 2015 4:54 a.m.)
• Lord I prayed you would keep this young man safe from harm the night this took places. My heart is broken with the pain Dzhokhar and his family most be going through. I have 9 children and 28 grandchildren. And I know it would be killing me inside if this would of took place with one of my own. I don't understand what took places in this young children mind, but I really don't think he new how it would of turned out. You gave him time you saved his life I pray that he get right with you. Please send him people to let him know you love him. People that can love and not judge him. It doesn't matter where the blame lies what done is done there no turning back. If there is no one with out sin they gave through the first stone but we all know we have made mistakes. What he did we all know was wrong. But forgiveness is the key here. My heart goes out this young man and his family give them peace. The pain of losing his brother will be something that will never leave him like I said if they new the out come and really understood what they was doing and knew the out I'm sure it never would of took places. I will keep you all in my prayers — Forgiveness (May 18, 2015 6:40 a.m.)
• Thank you Jesus for burdening the hearts of people for Jahar. it is for a purpose you have done this, your interest in the life of this young man is apparent. You have broken my heart for him, and all i want is for you to let him know love. i want him to feel your love o lord. please touch his heart, Show him the difference between a religion of hate, and the one true God of love, and mercy. save him Jesus, comfort him in his loneliness. Visit him by your Spirit, make a testimony of his life. Break through the darkness, and let the light of the gospel flood his soul. keep the burden on the the hearts of your people until the change comes. in Jesus name i ask. — Polly (May 23, 2015 2:01 p.m.)
• Pray that his life would be spared. Pray this every single day and pray without ceasing. Pray also that the death penalty would be abolished. — M (June 06, 2015 10:36 p.m.)
• Our God is a God of miracles. He created this world from nothing. He drowned it in a great flood. He did the plagues on Egypt, He parted the Red Sea, He was with the people in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. He rained down manna from heaven and brought forth water from the rock. He parted the Jordan River, gave Samson his strength and gave visions of the future to the prophets. He saved the three boys from being burnt by Nebuchadnezzar and saved Daniel from the lions, brought the widow's son of Zarephath back to life and cured Naaman of his leprosy. He healed through our Lord Jesus Christ and even brought the dead back to life. That is why I KNOW that God can do all things and he can do a miracle in Dzhokhar's case too. I know that He can save Dzhokhar from the death penalty. Please, please, please I beg of God, do not let them execute him!!! Yes, I know that all men must die, but NOT that way God, not that way! — M (June 08, 2015 6:07 p.m.)
• "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." This was a quote by JRR Tolkien and he was right. Let us pray that the hearts of lawmakers would be changed and they would see the truth of this. For Dzhokhar's sake let us all pray that the hearts and minds of lawmakers would be changed and that Dzhokhar would be spared. — Alex (June 08, 2015 6:14 p.m.)
• I pray for you everyday. I pray that your life would be saved. I hope that others also pray that your life would be saved. — Aleksandra (June 08, 2015 6:15 p.m.)
• Please god mercy on him ,do some miracle & save this kid life. Please free him for all charges. Let him live his life you gifted to him. Given a chance he will prove the country how good hearted & how good citizen & best student best kid best son he is.People will feel proud on him. Just god please give him one chance. — Lilka (June 09, 2015 10:44 p.m.)
• Isaiah 38:5 "Go and tell Hezekiah, this is what the LORD, the God of your father David says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life." Hezekiah was meant to die, but God had mercy on him and spared him. Oh Father in heaven I beg of you that you would do for Dzhokhar what you did for Hezekiah. I beg from the bottom of my heart and soul that you would save him for what they have planned for him and that you would add many more years to his life. Please, please, please Father save him from the lethal injection! Do not let him die that way! I know that we must all die some day, but NOT that way Father, not that way! I beg you all of this in Jesus name. Amen — M (June 10, 2015 2:50 p.m.)
• Father I come before you with tears in my eyes, begging you with every fiber of my being to please spare Jahar's life. I would give up anything, anything in this world to spare him from the lethal injection. Please Father spare his life. Please Father don't let them execute him. Please Father do a miracle for I know that with you all things are possible. Please, please, a million times please listen to my tears and to my prayers. I beg all of this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen. — Zelda (June 10, 2015 6:39 p.m.)
• Father, whether they execute Jahar next year or he lives several more decades before dying naturally, he needs the salvation that is only offered him through Christ. Do I want his earthly life spared? Yes, because I believe the death penalty solves nothing and I love and care about him. However, if his earthly life is spared, but he never comes to know Jesus, what good does it even do? Thus, I don't ask you to deliver him from execution but rather to deliver him from sin, Satan, and Islam. Open his eyes that he would finally see his sin and his need for a Savior. Open his eyes that he would finally see that you---Father, Son, and Holy Spirit---are the One True God. Lead Jahar home to You, that he could TRULY live. In Jesus' beautiful and precious name, amen. — Bri (June 11, 2015 1:10 a.m.)
• Dear God, Father in heaven please spare his life! Please I beg you don't let them execute him! Please save him from the lethal injection! Please spare his life! Mercy for Dzhokhar I beg you, please spare him! — M (June 11, 2015 6:30 a.m.)
• Dear God, once again, I come before you begging. Please, please, please spare Dzhokhar's life! Please! I beg of you, spare his life! Spare him as you spared Cain! Spare him as you spared the woman caught in adultery! In Jesus name amen. — M (June 11, 2015 1:11 p.m.)
• Dear God, please save his life. Save his life like you saved Cain's. Save his life like you saved the woman caught in adultery. In Jesus name amen. — Emily (June 11, 2015 1:30 p.m.)
• Our Lord Jesus Christ said, if you ask me anything in my name I will do it. He also said, if two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask my Father in heaven will do it for you. Well I am in complete 100% agreement with everyone here asking that his life be spared. I too beg our Father in heaven to spare his life. Oh Father save him from execution! — Ann (June 11, 2015 4:17 p.m.)
• Today I pray along with everybody else here that our Lord would save Dzhokhar's life and spare him from execution. — Olivia (June 11, 2015 8:26 p.m.)
• While praying for Jahar, let us all keep in mind this passage from scripture: If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, 'go in peace, be warned and filled,' without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? — Walter (June 12, 2015 5:34 p.m.)
• I also pray that God save the kid's life. — Zaheer (June 12, 2015 6:33 p.m.)
• Oh Father in heaven, it says in your word that, "In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, 'this is what the Lord says: put your house in order because you are going to die; you will not recover.' Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, 'remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.' And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah. Go and tell Hezekiah, this is what the Lord, the God of your father David says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add 15 years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the King of Assyria. I will defend this city." Oh Lord, oh Father in heaven, as you did for Hezekiah, please, please do the same for Dzhokhar. Please, I beg, listen to my prayer and please see my tears. Please spare his life, please do not let them execute him. I beg you from the bottom of my heart and my soul, please save Dzhokhar's life! Please, I beg, I beg you in Jesus name amen. — M (June 12, 2015 7:52 p.m.)
• I've been so physically ill today, but my sadness over what they are planning to do to Dzhokhar makes it so much worse. Oh God you can do all things! Please hear my prayers and my tears! Please, please spare his life! Please, please, please, I beg, I beg of you don't let them execute him! Please save his life! I would give the rest of my life if I knew it would save him from lethal injection! Please spare his life and do not let them execute him! In Jesus name I beg this of you. Amen — M (June 12, 2015 11:05 p.m.)
• Oh Father in heaven, I come once again before you to beg you to spare Dzhokhar's life. Oh God, please don't let them execute him. Please save his life. I beg this of you in Jesus name amen. — M (June 13, 2015 5:50 p.m.)
• "And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, 'where is Abel your brother'? He said, 'I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?' And the Lord said, 'what have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength. You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.' Cain said to the Lord, 'my punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth and whoever finds me will kill me.' Then the Lord said to him, 'Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.' And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him." Lord, Father in heaven as you had mercy on Cain and spared his life, please, please also do the same for Dzhokhar. Please spare him as you spared Cain. In Jesus name Amen — M (June 16, 2015 7:29 a.m.)
• Oh God please spare his life. Please don't let them execute him. — M (June 17, 2015 5:18 p.m.)
• Lord, in your word it says that: "They went each to his own house, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and placing her in the midst they said to him, 'Teacher this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?' This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, 'Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.' And once he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, 'Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you?' She said, 'No one lord.' And Jesus said, 'Neither do I condemn you; go now and sin no more.'" Lord as you did for the woman caught in adultery, I pray that you do the same for Dzhokhar. As you had mercy and spared her, I beg you to also have mercy and spare him. — M (June 18, 2015 4:22 p.m.)
• Father, again, whatever You have to do to lead Jahar to Christ and then use him for Your Kingdom's sake, please do it. If that means that the death sentence has to remain in order for him to wake up to his need for a Savior and his lack of eternal life, then so be it. If that means that he has to be executed in order for him to even have an opportunity to proclaim a newfound faith in Christ, then so be it. It breaks my heart to think of this precious future brother of mine being killed, but You know far better than I do what needs to happen, so I trust You. I only ask that the moment Jahar closes his eyes for the last time in this world, whenever and however that happens, he opens them in the presence of his Savior. — Bri (June 19, 2015 12:36 a.m.)
• Spare his life Father, spare his life!! Please! I beg, I beg, I beg of you DO NOT let them execute him! Please spare his life! — M (June 19, 2015 4:18 p.m.)
• Oh Father in heaven, please, please, please, I beg, I beg of you, please hear my prayers! Please see my tears! Please DO NOT let them execute him! Please DO NOT listen to these people like Bri clamoring for his death! Please, I know that we must all die some day, but NOT that way Father, NOT that way! Please I would give up the rest of my life to spare him! Please spare him! Spare him like you spared Cain! Spare him like you spared Hezekiah! Spare him like you spared that woman caught in adultery! Please, I would give mine for his! Please spare his life! — M (June 19, 2015 8:43 p.m.)
• Oh dear God, I beg this of you once again. Please, please, please spare his life! Please don't let them execute him! Please! I would give the rest of my life if only you would spare him. I would give anything, anything in this whole world to spare him; I would even give myself. Please spare him, I beg of you! I would give myself, my own life. Take it, if only it would spare him! — M (June 20, 2015 8:01 p.m.)
• Abba Father, as Jahar’s sentencing approaches on Wednesday, I pray that You would providentially orchestrate every single aspect of that day. I ask that You would perfectly plan every single thing that each victim says to him so that his eyes may be opened to his sin and his need for a Savior. God, if he needs to hear about the mercy and grace and forgiveness that You offer, I ask that You would move in the heart of even one victim – and that they might get up there and show Jahar the love of Christ with their impact statement. I pray that You would be with the victims that day and give them strength as they face Jahar. Help them to heal physically and emotionally, and give them the strength to move forward with their lives without carrying the poison of hatred, anger, and unforgiveness with them. And I ask that You would be there with Jahar – giving him the strength to listen to everything he will have to listen to – and giving him the courage to speak, if that is Your will. Father, I know that You already know which prison he is going to, and I pray that it would be the exact prison that he needs to be in…that it would be exactly where he needs to be to meet You and fall in love with You…and exactly where he needs to be to be used by You to bring others to the cross. Jesus, thank You for protecting Jahar in the boat that night and shielding his body from those bullets enough that he now has the chance to turn from Islam toward You and to enjoy eternity in the presence of his Savior. Please reveal Yourself to him in dreams and in visions. Get him in Your word. Strategically surround him with Christians who will be bold enough to love him with Your love and share the truth with him. Work everything together for his good, Father, so that one day he might love You and glorify Your name in everything he says and does. In Your holy, powerful, name-above all names…the name strong enough to save ANYONE , I pray. Amen. — Kimberly (June 20, 2015 11:05 p.m.)
• Oh God please spare his life! Please don't let them execute him! — M (June 21, 2015 8:25 p.m.)
• Your word says, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." Please show Dzhokhar mercy. Please do not let them execute him. Please do not let his life be sacrificed to appease the blood lust of the Americans. — M (June 23, 2015 11:28 p.m.)
• Oh Father, you saved his life on that boat for a reason! It can't be for as simple and as worthless as satisfying Americans' blood lust! Please spare his life. Please don't let them pump him up full of poisons. I know that we must all die someday, but NOT that way oh God, please not that way! Let him live! Let him live the life that you gave to him and that you spared him! Oh please let him live! Please don't let them take it from him! If you must take someone, take me instead. Please let him live. Please I beg of you with all my heart and soul! Let him live! — M (June 24, 2015 12:38 p.m.)
• Oh God, you who are lord of heaven and earth, please hear. Please do not remain silent to my prayers. Please don't ignore my tears. Please I beg of you let him live! Let him live! Let him live! I do not lie, I would give up anything in this entire world. I would gladly give up the rest of my life if it would spare his. If you must take someone, take me in his stead, just please, please, please let him live! Don't let them execute you him, God please spare him! Spare him like you spared Dostoyevsky! — M (June 24, 2015 8:28 p.m.)
• Father, my heart hurts today. When you've been praying for 26 months without missing a day for someone's salvation and they're clinging just as tightly, if not tighter, to a false god as they were before you started praying, it's so heartbreaking. May “my religion is Islam” one day, and hopefully soon, turn into “I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.” Jesus, I beg You tonight to go to Jahar in a dream. He seems to be truly sorry for what he's done, which is a great first step that I'm so grateful for, but he's still holding onto a religion that offers him no real hope for forgiveness. Show him who You really are. I've come to love him as if he were already my brother in Christ, so I can't bear the thought of him dying proclaiming faith in Allah. Please, Father, do whatever it takes to bring my brother home. You are greater than everything that stands in the way. — Bri (June 25, 2015 3:41 a.m.)
• Oh God, please, please spare his life!!!!!! Please don't let them execute him! Please I beg, I beg, I beg with all of my heart and soul!! Spare him! Please spare his life! Please don't let them pump him up full of poisons! Please let him die any other way! Please Father please, let him live out the life you gave to him! Don't let them kill him to satisfy the sick Americans blood lust! Let him live! Please let him live! Please don't let them execute him! — M (June 25, 2015 6:02 p.m.)
• Oh God please spare him. Please spare his life. Please don't let them execute him. — M (June 26, 2015 3:37 p.m.)
• A Prayer for Forgiveness - Jahar People should accept that what happened cant be changed and forgive, because nobody is free of mistakes or sins. Forgive and you will be forgiven. I have forgiven Tim McV, so I forgive Jahar. — earthangel (July 02, 2015 3:51 p.m.)
• Oh God it says in your word that all things are possible with you. I beg you to do the impossible. Please, please Father spare his life; do not let them execute him! Let goodness and mercy and forgiveness prevail and not evil, hatred, revenge and blood lust. Spare his life! Spare his life, I beg you oh God! — M (July 03, 2015 12:40 a.m.)
• Father in your word it says, "I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the LORD. The LORD has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death." Lord I claim this for Dzhokhar today. He will not die, but declare your works. You will chasten him severely, but not give him over to death. Father please do as your word says. Chasten him severely, but do not give him over to death. Let him live so that he may declare your works before the people. Have mercy and spare his life oh God. — M (July 06, 2015 7:46 p.m.)
• Father, Jahar is now in the worst prison in the United States, awaiting execution and still looking to a false god. His need for You is stronger now than it's ever been. Please do not abandon Jahar to his destruction. You are a God whose grace is more amazing than we could ever imagine. Even the most wicked among us who have committed the most heinous of crimes can be washed white as snow by the blood of Jesus and forgiven. Please construct the path by which this lost child of Yours will come running home. Today is Jahar's 22nd birthday, and he's spending it all alone in a cell in a place where he's treated like he's worthless scum to throw out. Father, fill that cell today with Your presence. Open Jahar's eyes to see that You are a God of love and that You love HIM. Would you please give Jahar the incredible birthday blessing of a dream or a vision of Jesus, that his eyes might be opened to who you really are? Oh how I long for his next birthday to be his first as part of Your family, as my beloved brother. Abba, rescue Jahar. — Bri (July 22, 2015 4:24 a.m.)
• Father God in heaven; all things are possible with you. Spare Dzhokhar's life! DO NOT let them execute him! Spare his life! — M (July 23, 2015 8:27 a.m.)
• Oh dear God please, please, please spare his life! Spare his life! Spare his life! Spare his life! Spare his life oh Lord, for we know that all things are possible with you! Spare his life and DO NOT let them execute him!! — M (Aug. 01, 2015 1:56 a.m.)
• Oh God you created the heavens and the earth from nothing; you can do all things. You can save his life. I am begging you for a miracle right now. Please, please, please spare his life. Spare his life. Do not let the bloodthirsty Americans take it from him; spare his life! — M (Aug. 01, 2015 11:52 p.m.)
• Oh dear God you who created the heavens and the earth from nothing, you can do all things. I come again once before you to plead for the life of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Please, please, please DO NOT let them execute him! Do not let the bloodthirsty Americans prematurely take his life from him! Let him live out his life. I am begging you for a miracle! Spare his life! Spare his life oh Lord! — M (Aug. 02, 2015 11:41 p.m.)
• Dear God please give Dzhokhar the strength to keep up with his appeals. DO NOT let him drop them like Timothy McVeigh did!! Keep him strong and determined in this. You saved his life on that boat for a purpose, not to be strapped down to a gurney and pumped up full of poisons. Give his lawyers strength and wisdom to fight for him. Defeat all the judges, prosecutors and juries who are against him. And please Lord, I beg you, please abolish the death penalty in the U.S.! Abolish it, not only to save Dzhokhar, but all the other people too. Teach us that to be a "Christian nation" means to have mercy and to forgive. — M (Aug. 07, 2015 7:03 a.m.)
• Dear heavenly father. Thank you for bringing Dzhokhar to justice. Thank you that he cannot continue to harm others in the name of a Christless religion. Help him to see the error of his ways and to repent of his sin and unbelief in Jesus. May he come to know Jesus as his savior and Lord in whom he can find eternal life. Protect those who you have used to bring him to justice, and use death row to change his heart for the fame of Jesus and glory of Jesus' name. — dalamnamayesus (Aug. 08, 2015 1:39 a.m.)
• Dear Lord, you are loving and mighty and faithful. Continue in your beloved prodigal son Dzho's heart to continue seeking you wherever he may find and recognize you. I see him through your eyes- completely washed white as snow by the sacred blood of your son Jesus Christ. I ask that you soften the hearts of the world toward Jahar and I ask that more of your saints shower your abundant grace and mercy upon him. Lord you have said that whoever seeks shall also find. Please draw near to Jahar as he continues to cry out to you and seek you with all of his heart and being. Wrap this broken child in your loving arms and presence and bless him with comfort, joy and peace and meet him where he is. Let every person who comes into contact with him be messengers of your great love and truth and open Jahar's eyes to see your presence everywhere. I also ask in your precious name, Jesus that you work within his appeals process and spare your son Jahar's life so that his testimony will one day move mountains and touch the hearts of many others. I ask God that you give Dzho many respites from his surroundings in the form of communion with you and many spiritual revelations that will satisfy the thirst for you in his soul. Bless Jahar Lord in any and every way according to your grace and mercy and your holy and pure heart! — Emileigh Christian (Aug. 08, 2015 6:15 a.m.)
• Father, I come here once again to beg for the life of Dzhokhar. Yes it will take a miracle to save him; even his lawyers proved useless. However, all things are possible with you and you have done miracles in the past. I come again before you begging that you SPARE HIS LIFE! SPARE HIS LIFE! DO NOT LET THEM EXECUTE HIM! Spare his life oh God! Spare him as you spared Cain who murdered his own brother. Spare him as you spared Moses who murdered the Egyptian. Spare him as you spared David who murdered Uriah the Hittite simply because he wanted to sleep with his wife. Spare him as you spared Hezekiah who was meant to die, but you heard his tears and his prayers. Spare him as you spared the leper Naaman. Spare him as you spared the woman caught in adultery. Spare him as you spared Barabbas who was a murderer. Spare him oh God! Do not let them take his life from him, but spare him as you did so many others before him! — M (Aug. 08, 2015 3:57 p.m.)
• Pray that they would not execute him; pray that God would spare his life!!! — M (Aug. 09, 2015 6:43 a.m.)
• Oh God please do not hold Dzhokhar's sins against him. Please show him mercy. Please do not let them kill. Please let him live out his natural life. I know that it will take a miracle to save him, but I also know that all things are possible with you. So I am on my knees begging you for a miracle right now. Please spare his life and do not let them take it from him oh Lord! It is in Jesus name that I beg this of you amen. — M (Aug. 14, 2015 9:06 p.m.)
• Oh God, our help and assistance, who are just and merciful, and who hears the supplications of your people; look down upon Dzhokhar, a miserable sinner, have mercy upon him and deliver him from this trouble that besets him, for which I know he is deservedly suffering. Deal not with him after his sins, but according to your bountiful mercies, for he is the work of your hands and you know his weakness. Please! You are his only hope now! Even his lawyers have proved to be completely worthless. Please, please, please I am begging you from the very bottom of my heart and soul. Please, please, please I beg for your infinite love and compassion. Please, please, please deliver him from this evil death sentence!!! Please DO NOT allow them to execute him!!! Please spare his life oh Lord! Have mercy of Lord, have mercy and deliver him from the evil plans that they have set out for him! Deliver him oh Lord! — M (Aug. 17, 2015 1:17 a.m.)
• Oh Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy upon Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev, a sinner. Have mercy upon him, oh Lord, and do not let them execute him! Have mercy on him and spare his life of Lord! — M (Aug. 17, 2015 9:35 p.m.)
• The LORD said to Satan, "Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life." Oh Lord give him into Satan's hand, let him suffer as much as possible, only spare his life. Spare his life oh Lord! Spare his life as you spared the life of Job! I beg you, I beg you, I beg you! Spare his life! Spare his life! Spare his life as you spared Job's! Let him suffer as much as Job, only spare his life and do not let them take it from him! — M (Aug. 20, 2015 7 p.m.)
• Dear Almighty Father, Yod Heh Vav Heh, This prayer is for Djahar's deliverance into your arms through your Loyal Son, Yehoshua Ha Mashiac, and the Power of your Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Khodesh, whom the Father sent down here after Yehoshua's return to heaven. The whole truth about this case--from Boston to the Dept. of Homeland Security and beyond--has not been revealed to us all. My prayer is for the Salvation of Djahar, for Your Glory to be revealed for him, for the members of his family, for all concerned with this case--whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or none of the above. Please help this country realize its waywardness and severe deficit away from You--as well as for Israel. Surely, You would have a plan that far exceeds anything that we could imagine. Please bring it to fruition. May we remember to pray for our enemies--as we are less than wont to do. But to recognize your grace and forgiveness as we are also to forgive them while forgiving ouselves--that wherever we may be limited in capacity, we pray for your measure of increase. That we seek You in every instance, recognizing: "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent..."(John 17:3) For only You see the whole video--both spiritual and physical. We have not "walked in their moccasins". — bridj (Nov. 07, 2015 8:51 p.m.)
• Lord, please help this young man, his voice could reach so many for you! Amen! P.S. I don't speak English very well but a great website for French speakers is — Roxane Ariane Landry (Nov. 11, 2015 4:03 a.m.)
• Abba, please do a mighty work in Jahar's heart in 2016. May he soon sing Your praises from a heart transformed by the love of Christ. Thank You for giving him another year of undeserved life in which he still has the opportunity to receive eternal life. — Bri (Jan. 01, 2016 8:07 a.m.)
• Dear God Please Keep An Eye On Dzhokhar Tsarnaev And Make Sure He Is Doing Fine. And I Wish Someday I Would Like To See Him In Person If He Ever Becomes A Free Man. I Believe He Has Done Enough Punishment In Prison And He Regerts What He Has Done. And I Hope People Can Forgive Him. — Sneilson (Feb. 01, 2017 1:25 a.m.)
• Dear Lord, You are the savior and loving father of everyone. We know you love every child on earth and will never forsake them. Your love is beyond our understanding. Lord, I pray that Dzhokhar will know you as his God, his savior and heavenly father in Jesus name. Lord, please open his eyes for the things that he doesn't understand; show him Your love so he can know how to love like You, and he can give peaceful testimony to people who never knows You in the time You prepare. Lord, I also pray that you can heal every visible and invisible wounds of people involved in this bombing. Please bestow your peace and loving kindness to them. Dear Lord, thank you for listening every little prayers. We know that all things are in your hands. Amen. — Es. (April 16, 2017 5:11 a.m.)
• Dear God, Please stop this evil execution that they have planned for him. Please DO NOT allow the American federal government to execute him. I am asking you for a miracle to stop them. When he dies, please let it be peacefully and of natural causes and NOT because they strapped him down to that gurney like a dog and pumped him up full of poisons to the delight of the heartless and the cruel. I plead for mercy. I plead that his life be spared and that the shedding of blood be stopped. Amen — Ring (June 10, 2017 12:58 a.m.)
• Please abolish the death penalty in the US, once and for all. Please do this before Dzhokhar has exhausted all his appeals. I know that that is what saved the Manson family and that is the only thing that can save Dzhokhar as well. As you were merciful and had mercy on them, please be likewise merciful and have mercy on him. I am begging you from my soul. Amen — Ring (June 11, 2017 8:02 a.m.)
• Dear Lord, I pray that Jahar will grow, and receive your love and grace in his 24. His soul, life and every breathe are in your hands. Please shield him from harm and sickness; give him a peaceful mind to know You and Your words. You are his help and provider. Renew him everyday. Thank you Jesus, Amen. — Es. (July 23, 2017 4:53 a.m.)
O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye. Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship but You. Jahar this DUA if for you okay! — Issa Tsarnaev (April 24, 2022 4:26 p.m.)
Dear Lord , I pray to you to please spare Jahar . I know you saved him the night he was hiding in the boat because it was a miracle he survived. I pray to you to save his life again . He is one of your children , like we all are . Please protect Jahar from harm and make his journey easier . Amen. — LH (Aug. 09, 2022 2:51 p.m.)
Messenger of Allah ﷺ once said: The gates of Paradise will be opened on Mondays and Thursdays, and every servant who associates nothing with Allah will be forgiven, except for the man who has a grudge against his brother. it will be said: Delay these two until they are reconciled; delay these two until they are reconciled. I pray for your life, for your family, your innocence, and that your heart will be corrected. — Baku (Oct. 14, 2022 7:41 a.m.)
Lord God, as I look at Dzhokhar’s picture, even today, I see a lost boy. I pray that you put your people in his life so that he may find you. I pray for your grace and mercy to rain down on him, even in prison. I pray that you soften and change his heart. I pray that you would do whatever is necessary to bring about his repentance and to wrap your mighty arms around him with love and forgiveness. All things are possible with you. Always. — BraidRunner (Jan. 27, 2023 11:42 p.m.)