Pray for:

Faisal Shahzad
Al Qaeda Operative
21 people
The car bomb he parked in New York City Times Square in May 2010 failed to explode. He was pulled from a Dubai bound airplane 53 hours later at Kennedy Airport. Faisal was born in Pakistan. He became an American citizen in 2009 after which he traveled to Pakistan for terrorist training in a Taliban controlled area. The Pakistan government has made several arrests connected to this case. He has a college degree in science and engineering. He has worked as a financial analyst. He is serving a life sentence at ADX Supermax in Florence, Colorado
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6 Prayers posted:
Lord, I am here to today to pray for Faisal Shahzad. I pray that you place a man in Faisal's path that you will use to give him understanding of the Gospel. May he accept You! In Jesus' name, Amen! — gw197234 (Oct. 06, 2010 7:26 p.m.)
Lord Jesus, please soften this man's heart that he may know you, accept you and change his evil ways. Let him know that no sin is too great for your forgiveness. Protect that he may share you with others. Praise your holy name! — sooz22 (March 01, 2011 12:46 a.m.)
• Lord, I pray you would surround Faisal with devotional materials, gospel broadcasts, fellowship opportunities, and courageous mentors so he might come to know You. I know it is Your will that none would be lost. I pray for his salvation in the name of Jesus. Amen. — ww912 (April 11, 2016 12:36 a.m.)
• Vader wil u door de Heilige Geest Faisal's ogen openen voor Uw Zoon Jezus Christus. De Weg, de Waarheid en Het Leven. — RLJ (July 19, 2016 11:23 a.m.)
• Dear Faisal, I speak The Name of Jesus into your heart and mind and soul, take captive every thought of yours and make them obedient to The Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can transform you by the renewing of your mind, establish homeostasis (balance) in your life so that He can bless you with great success as you turn your hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight, then may He prosper you in every good way, a way that will glorify The Lord Amen. — ginna (May 23, 2017 6:55 a.m.)
• Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in the life of Faisal Shahzad as it is in Heaven. Give him today all that he needs to be admitted into Your Kingdom. Forgive him his sins and show him the value of forgiving those who have sinned against him. Lead him away from temptation and deliver him from evil because YOURS IS THE KINGDOM THE POWER AND THE GLORY, NOW AND FOREVER AMEN. — ginna (Feb. 11, 2019 11:12 a.m.)