Pray for:

Ghazwan Sabti Faraj Al-Qubaysi
Iraqi New Baath Party Senior Leader
At Large
9 people
Ghazwan Sabti Faraj Al-Qubaysi is a Senior Iraqi New Baath Party leader. He is a former Iraqi Staff Major General and Intelligence Officer. A Central Criminal Court of Iraq arrest warrant for Qubaysi is pending. There is a reward for up to $50,000 for information leading to his capture.
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3 Prayers posted:
• Lord, What was Ghazwan like in his old job? Did he do nasty things to people? Where is he and what does he plot now? Sadaam's been gone for a while, a lot has changed in Ghazwan's world. Lord, cause him to grow weary and to ask himself if the causes and people he's forwarded have been worth it and to find it wanting. In world-weariness, let him find something entirely new in Jesus Christ. Take the talents and abilities he honed in the army to help and serve the many people in distress in his region to the honour and glory of Jesus, his Saviour. Amen. — Susan (March 16, 2015 4:24 a.m.)
• Father- I pray that your Holy Spirit would chase down Ghazwan and overwhelm him with love, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience,. I pray you would meet him in the darkness of his dreams and be such a light of love and kindness that he would have the courage to folllow you. Give him dreams and visions that leave him breathless because he’s been withYou on Holy Ground. Thank you- you are so kind and generous and you wish that no one would parish but that all might come to know you. In Jesus mighty and powerful name. Amen. — Jusy (July 12, 2018 2:44 p.m.)
• Dear Lord, I speak Your Name JESUS into the heart and mind and soul of Ghazwan Sabti Faraj Al-Qubaysi. In You Name I take captive every thought of his to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that You can and will transform him by the renewing of his mind. Establish homeostasis in his body, mind and spirit. Bless him with great success as he learns to turn his hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to Your Will, therefore pleasing in Your Sight. Then may he be prospered in every good way but in a way which will Glorify Your Holy Name, JESUS. Amen — ginna (Jan. 12, 2019 3:11 a.m.)