Pray for:

Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki
Jamaat-ud-Dawa 2nd in Command
at Large
17 people
Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki is second in command of a radical Islamist organization called Jamaat-ud-Dawa. It operates in Pakistan and India. It wants Islamist rule throughout the world. It's military branch, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba is suspected of masterminding terror attacks in Mumbai in 2008. He was born around 1948 in Pakistan. The U.S.A. is offering $2 million for information helping to locate Hafiz Saeed.
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4 Prayers posted:
• Holy God, may you appear to Hafiz Abdul in a dream and convict him that you died in his place to be the perfect sacrifice for his sins. May he walk in the fear of You and in love for You in Jesus' name. Acts 9:18 — Hakim (April 09, 2012 12:01 a.m.)
• Spirit of Truth, I ask that you remove all blinders of the enemy over the spiritual eyes of Hafiz Abdul, that he might be able to see the Truth of Jesus and choose Him. I ask that you would send forth laborers into his path at the right time, even that Jesus Himself might do so in his dreams. I ask that you would thwart all of the enemy's schemes through Hafiz, and that he would know that there is a God greater than Allah that is thwarting them. I ask that you would isolate all of the enemy's assignments to Hafiz by your holy angels, that they might not receive any reinforcements. Buffet Hafiz, O Lord, to let him know that it is useless to kick against the goad. I ask these things in the Name of Christ and for the glory of that Name. Amen. — Mike (Sept. 16, 2014 5:43 p.m.)
• Jesus, let Hafiz know You. I pray that he can face your grace and taste your love. — André (Aug. 28, 2018 2:28 a.m.)
• Dear Lord, I speak Your Name, Jesus, The Name at which the devil flees, into the heart and mind and soul of Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki. In Your Name Jesus I take captive every thought of his and make those thoughts obedient to the Will of God and to the Mind of Christ. Then will Jesus transform him by renewing his mind and establishing homeostasis in his body, mind and spirit. Then the Lord will bless him with great success as he learns to turn his hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His will, therefore pleasing in His sight. He will then be prospered in every good way but in a way which will Glorify The Lord. Amen — ginna (Feb. 11, 2019 2:34 a.m.)