Pray for:

Hayat Boumeddiene
Terror Accomplice
At Large
41 people
At 26 years old, Hayat Boumeddiene became the most wanted woman in France for assisting her husband in an Al-Qaeda inspired terror rampage through Paris that killed workers at the satirical Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper and shoppers at a Kosher grocery store. She was once a bikini-wearing modern woman and a cashier. She has an Algerian background. She became radicalized, altered her first name to sound more Islamic, and was never seen without a veil. Her marriage to Amedy Coulibaly was religious and not state-recognized. She and her husband are known to have traveled to Malaysia and likely received weapons training in Yemen.
- Daily Mail article "From bikini babe to burka-clad jihadi fighter with a crossbow"
- Wikipedia article
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6 Prayers posted:
• Lord Jesus, Hayat is a woman my age. Please show her the love she does not yet know. Show her that you alone have the words of life and in you there is true victory in overcoming the evil in the world. I ask you to show her the same love you have shown to me. Use her to draw many people to the truth and beauty of your good news. Thank you, God, for loving me while I was your enemy. Show Hayat that same love, too. Amen. — Rachel (Jan. 10, 2015 6:17 p.m.)
• I pray that you will find the peace of Jesus Christ in your heart, mind, and soul. I pray that you will have a full and loving relationship with Jesus Christ as your Redeemer, Counselor, and Savior. I pray that you will see the inconsistencies in Islam. You are God's child. Jesus died that you might live with Him eternally. You are God's gift. I pray that you will see and understand that for yourself. I pray that your heart will be open to Jesus' knocking and that you will let him into your heart. Jesus says that there is no sin which cannot be forgiven except the rejection of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will repent and allow Jesus to show the true way to life. I pray for your redemption. Your life will never be complete without Jesus in your heart. I pray that someone will come into your life who will help you to know the Truth of Jesus. You are God's beloved child and I pray for you today. — singer (Jan. 11, 2015 1:06 a.m.)
• Lord open her eyes to your great love for her. Draw her thru your kindness and grace into a saving knowledge of Jesus. Let her be a light to all she comes to meet. Save her Father. — Michael (Jan. 11, 2015 12:18 p.m.)
• Padre de misericordia de perdón y de justicia, te pido por esta hija tuya, tu la conoces y sabes lo que hay en su corazón y mente, pon en su camino como en el mío, lo necesario para descubrir la verdad, por que como tú nos lo has dicho, la verdad, nos dará la libertad espiritual que necesitamos, para vivir en este peregrinar a nuestra verdadera casa, a nuestro verdadero hogar, a donde estas tu esperandonos, para amarte, agradecerte y adorarte, Padre mio, pongo en tus manos a esta hija tuya, Gracias Padre. — Gaciela (Dec. 02, 2015 6:21 p.m.)
• Heavenly Father, Please lead Hayat away from the hatred that has consumed her and into the love that you offer us through your son Jesus Christ. Please forgive her for her sins and have mercy upon her. — Peteprint (Sept. 13, 2018 7 p.m.)
Pai o senhor é o Deus soberano sobre todas as coisas, sabemos que essa vida pode ser salva, sabemos e conhecemos seu imenso amor e poder. Mostre a ela quem o senhor é verdadeiramente. Obrigada pela sua misericórdia e tao grande amorJesus, mostre isso a ela. — Jsk10 (Oct. 17, 2020 7:01 a.m.)