Pray for:

Manssor Arbabsiar
Iranian Qods Operative
12 people
Manssor Arbabsiar was arrested by the FBI on September 29, 2011 while transiting JFK Airport for plotting to have the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington D.C. bombed and to have the Saudi Ambassador assassinated. In May 2013, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He is a naturalized American citizen from Iran. He was using an address in Corpus Christi, TX. He understood that he was recruited, funded, and directed by officials in a branch of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, the Qods Force.
See also:
- At-large coconspirator Gholam Shakuri
- Iranian precendent setter Ahmad Vahid
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4 Prayers posted:
• Oh heavenly Father we come before U, and ask for forgiveness for ourselves, and especially for Manssor Arbabsair bring down upon him your Love in Christ Yeshua make his heart heavy and thirsty for the love of the WORD In Christ Holy name we pray and for His glory Amen and amen — YBIC Yeshua (Oct. 13, 2011 9:03 p.m.)
• Father in heaven, I ask you to save Manssor Arbabsair just like you saved Saul who persecuted Christians. Reveal yourself to Manssor so that he will have a powerful testimony about Jesus' saving love and grace. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen — 1-in-need (Sept. 27, 2014 12:34 p.m.)
• Manssor Arabsair, I speak The Name of Jesus into your heart and mind and soul, take captive every thought of yours and make those thoughts obedient to The Word of God and the Mind of Christ so that He can and will transform you by the renewing of your mind, establish homeostasis (balance) in your life, then you can be blessed with great success as you learn to turn your hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will, therefore pleasing in His sight, then will you be prospered in every good way, a way that Glorifies The Lord. Amen. — gwyn (May 04, 2017 5:12 a.m.)
• Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name, YOUR KINGDOM COME AND YOUR WILL BE DONE in the prison where Manssor is imprisoned. Give him today all that he needs to come into a close union with You. Forgive him his sins and help him to forgive those who have sinned against him. Lead him away from temptation and deliver him from evil because YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY now and forever Amen. — ginna (Jan. 12, 2019 3:27 a.m.)