Pray for:

Muhammad al-Jawlani
2 people
Muhammad al-Jawlani is also known as Abu Muhammad al-Golani. He is the senior leader of the the Syria branch of al-Qa’ida called the al-Nusrah Front (ANF). Under his leadership, the ANF has carried out multiple terrorist attacks throughout Syria, often targeting civilians. In April 2015, ANF reportedly kidnapped, and later released, approximately 300 Kurdish civilians from a checkpoint in Syria. In June 2015, ANF claimed responsibility for the massacre of 20 residents in the Druze village Qalb Lawzeh in Idlib province, Syria. The US Rewards for Justice Program is offering $10 million for information about him.
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4 Prayers posted:
• Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name; Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in every part of Syria as in Heaven. Give everyone there today their daily bread; forgive them their sins as they learn to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from evil because YOURS is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever. Amen. And I speak Your Name JESUS, the Name above all names and the Name at which the devil flees, into the hearts and minds and souls of Muhammad al-Jawlani, all the members of the al Nusrah Front and all perpetrators of evil in Syria. In the Name of Jesus I take captive every thought of theirs to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can and will transform them by the renewing of their minds; establish homeostasis in their lives so that the may be blessed with great success as they learn to turn their hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight. Then will they be prospered in every good way but in a way which will glorify the Lord. Amen — ginna (Dec. 02, 2018 1:52 p.m.)
• I pray that You Oh Lord will reveal Yourself to Muhammad al-Jawlani in dreams and visions. Show him that You and only You are the God of his salvation. reveal to him the wonderful truth that everyone who calls on Your Name will be saved.Show him Jesus that You came so that he too could have life and have it to the full; that You are his refuge and his strength. Bring him to that point where he surrenders his life to You Oh Lord. Amen — ginna (Jan. 12, 2019 2:19 a.m.)
Lord, I pray for this Saul to have a road to Damascus experience that speaks uniquely to his personality and situation. Let it be so personal that he has no doubt about your being a living and loving God. Break down the walls that prevent him from embracing your truth. There are many hurdles to overcome. Touch his life gently. Turn him away from violence and hate that he might experience your peace. May he become a mighty man of God; a 21st century Paul. — Sonlight (Feb. 19, 2020 2:14 a.m.)
Dear God, do not let someone made gloriously in Your image blaspheme and desecrate Your glorious name and image. Cause those who do evil to suffer and keep them from peace until they turn to you. I ask you to convict Muhammad of his sin and to turn him to you. My heart's desire and prayer to God for him is that he may be saved. If he will not submit to you, Lord, I ask that you bring him and the evil forces associated with him down. In the end, I can only ask that Your Will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen — AMDG (May 04, 2022 4:54 a.m.)