Pray for:

Naser Jason Abdo
alleged Jihadist
21 people
Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo was arrested in July 2011 at a hotel three miles from Fort Hood's main gate. He was defiant and unrepentant at his sentencing on August 10, 2012. He will spend the rest of his life in a Federal prison. He was AWOL from Fort Campbell, KY at the time of his arrest. In his room, police found a handgun and ingredients for making explosives. Court papers record that he admitted to planning to bomb a restaurant that was popular with soldiers. He was born in 1990 and grew up in Garland, TX. His parents divorced when he was 3. He joined the Army in 2009. He applied to be a conscientious objector in 2010 saying that he could not serve in Afghanistan. The Army suspended his pending discharge when it found child pornography on his government computer. His Palestinian father has served time in prison and was deported in 2010 for soliciting sex from a minor.
- Wikipedia biography on Naser Jason Abdo
- Huffington Post report on Naser Jason Abdo arrest
- FBI Press release on Naser Jason Abdo sentencing
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7 Prayers posted:
Sovereign God, 1Tim2:3-5 “…God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved & to come to knowledge of the truth. For there is 1 God & 1 mediator between God & mankind, the man Christ Jesus” praying Jason will come to know your truth & be saved. — Praying4U (Aug. 21, 2011 1:21 p.m.)
"King Jesus, reveal yourself in dreams and visions to Jason. May he not sleep in peace until he surrenders to you." — Praying4U (Sept. 05, 2011 8:45 a.m.)
• Starting July 1st about 30 Inmate Interseccors will praying for Naser for the entire month. Our prayer will be that this dear soul will find the Lord Jesus as Saviour. — LPM/TII (June 16, 2012 2:47 p.m.)
• Father, open up the eyes and the heart of this man. Soften his heart of stone so that he can hear Your words and that You love him. No matter his mistakes, Father, help him to know that it is never too late. Give him ears to hear Your words and to understand their meaning and to learn to trust his life to You. I pray for the men and women who will share the Good News with Jason. Father, give them the words he needs to hear and let it be what You would have them share. Holy Spirit, anoint those men and women and hide them behind the cross so that Jason sees only You! Help him to know that You love him with all that You are. So much so that You sent Your Son to die on the cross for all of us, including Jason. Father we can never comprehend that kind of love but I pray that Jason will begin to see the wrongness of his ways and will surrender his heart to You Lord, and will confess You as his Savior. I lift this up in Your name, Amen. — forHisglory (June 10, 2013 2:23 a.m.)
• Father, please lead Naser to repent for rejecting Jesus and harming your children. Please show him that his actions are shameful and convict him so that he may turn to You and know Your grace and love. Give him ears to hear the gospel and surround him with mentors that can help him find his way to You. I pray that Naser can see the wrongness he has done and will reach out to you. — Mimi (Sept. 11, 2014 2:01 p.m.)
• Dear Nasan Jason Abdo. I speak the Name of Jesus(the Name above all names and the Name at which the devil flees) into your heart and mind and soul. I take captive every thought of yours to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can and will transform you by the renewing of your mind; establish homeostasis in your body, mind and spirit; bless you with great success as you learn to turn your hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight and then may you be prospered in every good way but a way which will glorify the Name of Our Lord Amen — ginna (Feb. 11, 2019 10:49 a.m.)
Im Namen des Vater, des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes. Amen! Ich bete in voller Liebe, Demut und Vertrauen zu dir, dass du meine Gebete erhörst. Ich bete heute für eine Seele, die von Dunkelheit geflutet ist. Naser 'Jason' Abdo ich denke heute an dich in voller Liebe, ich hoffe deine Seele erfährt das Licht Gottes. Jesus liebt dich! Gott gibt dir die Liebe ,die du nie erfahren konntest, sodass dein Herz mit Liebe geflutet wird. Ich bete heute für deine Seele, die die Wahrheit noch nicht erfahren hat, denn 2. Korinther 11:14 [14] Aber das ist nicht weiter verwunderlich! Gibt sich nicht sogar der Satan als Engel des Lichts aus? Ich bitte Gott um Vergebung für das fehlgeleitete Schaf, dass er es zurückholen möchte und ihm DIE Wahrheit verkünde. Ich danke dir für deinen Gnaden Vater, Amen. — Jason B. (March 14, 2024 4:06 a.m.)