Pray for:

Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr
Iraqi Shia Leader
15 people
Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr was born in Baghdad in 1973 of Lebanese descent. He takes the title "Sayyid" as a descendent of Muhammad. His great-grandfather and father were respected religious leaders. His father was supposedly murdered by Sadaam Hussein. He controls the intimidating and occasionally violent Mahdi Army, and he directs a network of charitable organizations that was founded by his father in the Baghdad suburb called "Sadr City." These connections make him one of Iraq's most influential Shiite leaders. He recently returned to Iraq after years in exile studying Shia theology in the city of Qom, Iran.
View biography for Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr on Wikipedia
image source: مالهوترا [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
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5 Prayers posted:
• Sayyid I remit your sins in Jesus name. I release the goodness of God open your life. You know Jesus.. You know He loves you. You understand He forgives all of your sins. You receive Him as SAVIOR AND LORD.. You renounce all ties with darkness, killing and destroying lives. You are now forgiven in JESUS. You are loved. God loves you so much. YOU are HIS. You are washed clean of all your past and you are FREE in JESUS!!!! YES!!! — Yode (Oct. 10, 2011 10:37 p.m.)
• Jesus visit Sayyid in his sleep... YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH SAYYID and HE will set you FREEEEEEEE..... — yode (Oct. 11, 2011 9:08 p.m.)
• Father, we know you pour your life-giving rain of love on the just and the unjust. You loved us while we were yet sinners - may we find it in our hearts to love others while they are yet sinners. May we desire to love others as we are loved. And Lord, we lift Sayyid before your wonderful throne of grace. Every decision he makes, every declaration of hate, bitterness, and rage -- may you turn them around for your glory. As he studies Shia theology, may its inherent deception become apparent, and may the Holy Spirit enter the fray within Sayyid's heart and mind. May Sayyid choose life, and may he turn from evil. I agree with my brothers and sisters who have prayed for Sayyid - Lord, hear our prayers of agreement, and snatch this soul out of the kingdom of darkness, and bring him fully into your glorious light. — Michelle (March 25, 2014 2:32 a.m.)
• Sayyid Muqtada al Sadr, I speak The Name of Jesus into your heart and mind and soul, take captive every thought of yours and make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and The Mind of Christ, so that He can transform you by the renewing of your mind, establish homeostasis (balance) in your life, bless you with great success as you learn to turn your hand to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight, then may you be prospered in every good way, a way that Glorifies The Lord. Amen — ginna (May 04, 2017 5:22 a.m.)
• Dear Lord open the eyes of Sayyid's heart so that he can see You and see You as You really are, high and lifted up and that all he could ever hope for or desire can only be found in You. Amen — ginna (Aug. 21, 2017 3:42 a.m.)