Pray for:

Sheikh Hassan Yousef
West Bank Leader for Hamas
30 people
Sheikh Hassan Yousef of Ramallah is the West Bank leader for Hamas. He has been in and out of jail on "Administrative Detention." He was arrested again on October 19, 2003, following the 7 October attack on Israel from Gaza. He praises suicide bombers and encourages violence, but he does not become personally involved. His oldest son, Musab Yousef, has become a Christian.
Link to the FOX news story about his son, Mosab Yousef .
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8 Prayers posted:
Lord Jesus, please reach into Sheikh Hassan Yousef's heart and mind and transform him both for his own sake as well as because of the influence he has. Please come and take charge of this situation. May your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen. — Rachel Kornfield (May 26, 2010 12:24 a.m.)
• Señor Jesús te pido por la vida de Sheikh Hassan toca su mente y corazón,que este hombre pueda ser transformado para tu gloria,que pueda ver tu gloria en esta tierra santa y rinda su vida a ti.En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo amen. — Bio (May 03, 2013 2:48 a.m.)
• Father God, I pray that he will have a vision or dream about the true identity of your son Christ Jesus, and that he will know you... not only for his sake & salvation, but so he will understand why his eldest son Mosab risked everything for his SAVIOR. May he be blessed through his son. AMEN — Sarah H. (Aug. 14, 2013 4:51 a.m.)
• Father, In your Mercy, please help this man, Mosab Hassan Yousef; reveal yourself to him, the Truth, Jesus Christ, Son of God. Change his heart, and make him a follower of You, Christ Jesus, son of the Living God. Spread your love to him and all of his followers. — Veritas (Sept. 05, 2014 8:35 p.m.)
• Kjære Herre Jesus rør ved Sheikh Hassan Yousefs hjerte og tanker og skap endring både for hans egen skyld og på grunn av innflytelsen han har. Kjære Jesus jeg ber om at han får møte deg gjennom en drøm eller visjon om den levende Gud. Kjære Jesus jeg ber om frelse for ham og gjør ham til en tilhenger av deg. Kjære himmelske Far la han forstå hva hans eldste sønn Mosab risikerte alt for sin frelser men at han også kan bli velsignet gjennom sin sønn. I Jesu Kristi navn. Amen. — Anne-Karin K (Sept. 26, 2014 12:45 p.m.)
• My prayer is that Sheikh Hassan ask for God's intervention and be convicted by the Spirit. We need to turn the hearts of Muslim to God and His will for all of his children. Prayer for Jewish captors that they may release him to do God's will. — Rebecca (Jan. 15, 2015 11:46 p.m.)
• Lord, please provide a vision of yourself to Hassan Yousef. Let him know that you are the one and only God, Jesus Christ. You have shown yourself to many muslims; I ask that you show yourself to Hassan and his family. In Jesus's name I pray — Darcy & Scout (April 13, 2015 5:16 p.m.)
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for you to send Your spirit on Sheikh Hassan Yousef of Ramallah's heart for a change or help the authorities to find him and his allies. Jesus I pray this in you glorious name. Amen. — Hilbily (Feb. 23, 2020 3:40 p.m.)