Pray for:

Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi
al-Shabaab Chief of Intelligence
17 people
Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi was captured in Somalia in September 2012. In June 2012, the US government began offering $3 million for information that lead to his capture. He was "Chief of Intelligence" for the dangerous terrorist organization operating in and from Somalia called al-Shabaab. He is also known as Zaki Madobe. Other wanted terrorists in al-Shabaab are: Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, Mukhtar Robow, and Abdullahi Yare.
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6 Prayers posted:
• Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving YOUR SON to die for our sins. We are not worthy of YOUR forgiveness and yet YOU forgive a repentant heart. LORD I know YOU care about each person and YOU want nothing more than to see all choose to worship YOU, the Majestic ONE. LORD please be with Zaki Madobe. LORD work on his heart, help to remove the scales from his eyes so that he can see sin as YOU do. Help him to see that YOU would not ask him to kill others in YOUR name. LORD he needs YOU so desperately, but may not even realize what he is without. Please meet him on the "road to Damascas" and reveal YOURSELF to him. Show him that YOU are the ONE true GOD and only through YOUR SON, Jesus Christ can we have salvation. I pray this in the name of the Perfect Sacrifice, Jesus Christ, Amen. — faith448 (Aug. 26, 2012 1:58 a.m.)
• Dear Heavenly Father, I pray today for Mansur al-Harbi. LORD I pray that he will come to realize that YOU are the Almighty GOD and that YOU alone are to be worshipped. LORD I pray that Mansur will recognize his sinful ways and that killing is not what YOU ask of us. LORD YOU are Love, Kindness, Gracious, Merciful and Just in all YOUR ways and that is what you want of us. LORD help Mansur to see that what he is doing is wrong and that it does not serve YOU. LORD help him to come to accept YOU as his Savior. I pray for visions and dreams of YOU for Mansur. LORD I pray that YOU witness to him daily to convict him of his sins and to call him to YOU. I praise YOU LORD and give YOU all the honor and glory, in Christ Jesus' Name, Amen! — faith448 (Aug. 26, 2012 2:10 a.m.)
• Zalariya Ismail, I speak the Name of Jesus into your heart and mind and soul, take captive every thought of yours to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and the Mind of Christ, so that you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind, have homeostasis (balance) established in your life. Then will the Lord bless you with great success as you learn to turn your hand to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will, therefore pleasing in His sight, that you may be prospered in every good way, a way that will Glorify The Lord. Amen. — Gwyn (May 02, 2017 4:12 a.m.)
• Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. I pray that Your Kingdom will come and Your Will be done in the midst of al-Shabaab as it is in heaven. Give all the members of this organization today all that they need to have the eyes of their hearts opened. Then may they see You as you really are and see that all that they could ever hope for and desire can only be found in You. Therefore I speak Your Name JESUS into the hearts and minds and souls of Zakariya, Ahmend Abdi aw-Mohamed, Ibrahim Haji Jama, Bashir Mohamed Mahamoud, Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, Mukhtar Robow and Abdullah Yare. It is the Name above all Names and the Name at which the devil flees. When Jesus sets them free they will be free indeed. Amen — ginna (Jan. 12, 2019 4:43 a.m.)
Lord show him your love and bring him to repentance as he grasps who You are and what you have done for him. — Hazel (Feb. 25, 2023 12:55 a.m.)
God, I am praying that this man repents of the evil he has done and comes to know you in Christ. I pray that believers can influence Him to come to know You. I am praying that more people from Shabaab come to Christ and experience the washing and renewal of the Holy Spirit, and receive Bibles and the Gospel from believers and come to know Your love, turning to You in repentance and staying strong in the knowledge of the truth through You. — Raoz (July 12, 2024 4:02 a.m.)